Beyond Boundaries - Empowering Through OSS Mentorship

Azeez Elegbede

·7 min read

In 2022 we piloted our innovative mentorship program that focuses on open-source software(OSS). We envisioned a platform where aspiring developers could learn, grow, and contribute to exciting projects while receiving guidance from experienced mentors.

Our Backstory

At AsyncAPI, we value giving back to the community, giving us a sense of purpose as a community-first organization. We are always looking for ways to participate in open-source mentorship programs like Google Summer of Code(GSoC), Google Season of Docs(GSoD), and more because the fulfilling feeling of contributing to society gotten from these programs is unparalleled.

As an open-source organization, we participate to collaborate with a broader reach of enthusiasts and help bring more folks into this world(which we are already doing). Furthermore, our reason for participating in these programs comes from our passion for open source and the care to support and encourage contributors by building and participating in mentorships.

Why Start Our Own OSS Mentorship Program?

In 2021, AsyncAPI participated in its first paid mentorship program alongside Postman under Google Summer Of Code(GSoC). After applying to participate as an organization for GSoC in 2021, we got rejected and were opportune to participate alongside Postman.

Postman is an established software development company committed to open-source initiatives. We received a lot of engagement from folks interested in our projects despite having just a few slots allocated to us by Postman.

Fast forward to 2022, we applied for GSoC and got rejected again. This time, Postman also got rejected, leaving us in shock because many folks were already looking forward to joining us. The shock and disappointment permeated the team's spirits, but they refused to let this setback deter them from their mission.

Determined to overcome this unexpected obstacle, we regrouped and brainstormed alternative strategies to keep the program afloat. What had initially seemed like a devastating rejection transformed into an opportunity for growth and resilience. The team's unwavering passion and refusal to accept defeat turned their setback into a stepping stone toward even greater success.

The Journey Proved To Be More Challenging Than Anticipated

We knew piloting an in-house mentorship program would be challenging, so we made the initial program a way to collect feedback. We approached the program flexibly, avoiding rigid decisions or commitments.

During the project ideas phase, we received 19 project ideas, and ten of these projects made it to the final phase but out of the ten selected candidates for the program only six were able to complete their project. This program addresses the real needs of the open-source community. It ensures the program leaders forge meaningful relationships with the participants to ensure their diverse voices are heard and provide them with resources, advice, and networking opportunities.

How We Are Approaching These Challenges For The Next Cohorts

At AsyncAPI, mentorship programs are practical tools for teaching and upskilling professionals. When managed well, they can create significant benefits for mentees and lasting benefits and impact for mentors. However, we know it takes some strategy and finesse to operate a mentorship program that lasts and reaches its potential. That's why we've organized a way to keep our Mentees on schedule to complete their projects using the following method:

  • Reduce the level of stress in the program.
  • Encourage them to ask when they need help.
  • Ask them what they want.
  • Connect often.
  • Share stories and struggles.
  • Agree on expectations.
  • Emphasize good self-care.

Our Relationship With Potential Mentors

All of AsyncAPI's mentors are core community members and prominent advocates for open-source projects with a strong belief in FOSS, which means keeping them engaged will require just a little effort. But we still keep them engaged by staying connected and ensuring communication channels go both ways, showing how they made a difference and valuing the opinions of every mentor.

How We Engage Contributors In The Community During The Mentorship Program

We value every single contribution at AsyncAPI, and there is a nearly immediate value to people using and contributing to AsyncAPI. If and when they contribute code, the quicker it gets integrated into the main codebase, the happier the contributor will be. We also know contributors like to be challenged and to learn new things, and they like to work on code that's known to be of high quality and work with projects that positively impact the industry.

This quality makes AsyncAPI stand out and will encourage contributors to be involved in the community during the program. Furthermore, we ensure contributors are heard and respected and give them public credit for their work to encourage them to contribute. We ensure contributors have direct access to the main maintainer(s) and can have meaningful discussions with them.

Where Are We?

With the next cohort kicking off, we put things such as the [program guidline] in place, including the Evaluation Period. And we received a significant surge in this current cohort(2023) application phase! We received 29 project ideas, 10 of which were selected for the program, over 90+ proposals were received across all of these ten projects, and 13 candidates made it to the final selection phase. Unlike the previous year(2022), we were not only accepting code-related projects but also design and technical writing, which means anyone can be a part of the program this year.

Comparing this to the previous year, we are proud of this current trajectory and can't wait to see the numbers for the coming years, how much growth awaits us as a community, and how fantastic the projects under this great initiative will become with all of these contributions.

Current Cohort Projects

Who Is This Program For?

If you're new to the world of open-source or you'd love to get paid for doing open-source for some time, then this program is definitely for you.

Would you be interested in sponsoring our program?

By sponsoring us, we can use your sponsorship funds to provide more slots in future mentorship programs for candidates interested in elevating their careers via open-source contributions.

How To Connect With Us

Photo by Rachel on Unsplash