AsyncAPI Conference

Munich Edition

2nd - 3rd of July, 2025 | München, Germany

41 days until the end of Call for Speakers

Reusable parts

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Reusable parts in AsyncAPI provide flexibility, modularity, and code reusability. You can reuse the majority of document sections like messages, schema definitions, channels, operations, and more.

Reusable parts allow you to split up the AsyncAPI document into many files and reference them using the Reference Object. You can use the $ref keyword to reference the same document, another local file, or an external URL. The diagram below describes how to reuse parts in AsyncAPI:

Same document

You can use the $ref keyword to reference a component in an AsyncAPI document. In the example below, you define a component called MyMessageSchema under the schemas section to describe the structure of a message. Under the myChannel channel, you have a message with a payload definition that's represented as a reference to the MyMessageSchema schema via the $ref keyword.

2  myChannel:
3    message:
4      myMessage:
5        payload:
6          $ref: '#/components/schemas/MyMessageSchema'
8  schemas:
9    MyMessageSchema:
10      type: object
11      properties:
12        message:
13          type: string

Another local file

You can reference another local document using the $ref keyword. Ensure the path to the local file is correct and accessible from your main AsyncAPI document.

In the code below, you reference the component from another local document, such as message-schema.yaml.

2  name: UserSignup
3  title: User signup
4  summary: Action to sign a user up.
5  description: A longer description
6  contentType: application/json
7  payload: null

In the code below, you use another local document, message-schema.yaml, through a reference inside the AsyncAPI document.

2  signUp:
3    address: user/signedup
4    messages:
5      UserSignup:
6        $ref: './message-schema.yaml#/UserSignup'
8  user/signedup.publish:
9    action: receive
10    channel:
11      $ref: '#/channels/signUp'
12    messages:
13      - $ref: '#/channels/signUp/messages/UserSignup'

External URL

You can reference an external URL using the $ref keyword. Ensure the external URL provides the referenced component in a compatible format, such as YAML or JSON. In the example below, you reference the component from an external URL. The $ref value specifies the full URL to the external resource and the component's location.

2  signUp:
3    address: user/signedup
4    messages:
5      UserSignup:
6        $ref:
8  user/signedup.publish:
9    action: receive
10    channel:
11      $ref: '#/channels/signUp'
12    messages:
13      - $ref: '#/channels/signUp/messages/UserSignup'
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