AsyncAPI Conference

Singapore Edition

15th - 16th of April, 2025 | Marina Bay, Singapore

3 days until the end of Call for Speakers

AsyncAPI document structure

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The structure of an AsyncAPI document is defined in a specific format and must follow the AsyncAPI specification. The structure of an AsyncAPI document has certain fields that you need to follow, although not all of them are mandatory.

Root elements

Root elements of an AsyncAPI document provide an overview of the API's characteristics and behavior. These root elements collectively define the metadata, channels, components, and more of an AsyncAPI document. They provide a comprehensive overview of the API's characteristics and behavior.

info field

The info field in an API document offers crucial metadata, including the API's title, version, description, contact details, and license. This field provides a comprehensive overview of the API, aiding developers, architects, and other stakeholders in quickly grasping its purpose and capabilities. As a mandatory element of the AsyncAPI specification, the info field often serves as the initial reference point for users navigating the API documentation.

The info field encompasses various fields such as:

  • title: API title.
  • version: API version.
  • description: Brief description describing the API's purpose and features.
  • termsOfService: URL or document specifying the API's terms of service.
  • contact: Contact information of the API's owner or maintainer (name, email, and URL).
  • license: API's license information, including name and URL.
  • tags: Tags for categorizing and organizing API documentation. Also used for grouping applications logically.
  • externalDocs: Links to additional, external documentation related to the API.

Here's a visual representation of the info field and its properties:

Below is an example of the info field:

2  title: My Event-Driven API
3  version: 1.0.0
4  description: This API provides real-time event streaming capabilities.
5  termsOfService:
6  contact:
7    name: Rohit
8    email:
9  license:
10    name: Apache 2.0
11    url:
12  tags:
13    - name: Events
14      description: APIs related to event streaming
15    - name: Authentication
16      description: APIs for authentication and authorization
17  externalDocs:
18    description: Additional documentation 
19    url:

servers field

The servers field allows you to detail a range of servers, outlining the network endpoints or message brokers to which applications can connect. That field includes vital connection information like protocol, host, port, and other options, facilitating connectivity across various environments such as production, staging, or development.

Some of the fields of individual servers field are:

  • host: The server host name. It may include the port.
  • protocol: The protocol or messaging protocol used by the server (e.g., AMQP, MQTT, WebSocket).
  • protocolVersion: The version of the protocol used for the connection.
  • pathname: The path to a resource in the host.
  • description: An optional string describing the server.
  • title: A human-friendly title for the server.
  • summary: A summary of the server.
  • security: A declaration of which security schemes can be used with this server.
  • tags: A list of tags for logical grouping and categorization of servers.
  • externalDocs: Additional external documentation for this server.
  • bindings: A map where the keys describe the name of the protocol and the values describe protocol-specific definitions for the server.

Here's a visual representation of the server object and its properties:

Below is an example of the servers field with multiple servers:

2  production:
3    host:
4    pathname: /v1
5    protocol: amqp
6    protocolVersion: "1.0"
7    description: Production RabbitMQ broker (uses the `production` vhost).
8    title: Production Server
9    summary: Production environment server
10    security:
11      - type: http
12        scheme: bearer
13    tags:
14      - name: production
15        description: Production environment
16    externalDocs:
17      description: Additional documentation for the production server
18      url:
19    bindings:
20      amqp:
21        exchange: my-exchange
22        queue: my-queue
23  staging:
24    host:
25    pathname: /v1
26    protocol: amqp
27    protocolVersion: "1.0"
28    description: Staging RabbitMQ broker (uses the `staging` vhost).
29    title: Staging Server
30    summary: Staging environment server
31    security:
32      - type: apiKey
33        in: user
34        description: Provide your API key as the user and leave the password empty.
35    tags:
36      - name: staging
37        description: Staging environment
38    externalDocs:
39      description: Additional documentation for the staging server
40      url:
41    bindings:
42      amqp:
43        exchange: my-exchange
44        queue: my-queue

channels field

With the channels field, you can provide a map of different channels the application communicates with during runtime. The channels represent the communication pathways through which messages are exchanged. You can specify their purpose, address, and the expected message formats for communication. Consumers of the specific API can understand the supported message-based interactions and the corresponding data models.

Key components within the channels field include:

  • address: A string representation of this channel's address.
  • messages: A map of the messages that will be sent to this channel by any application at any time.
  • title: A human-readable title for the channel.
  • summary: A short yet brief summary of the channel.
  • description: A description of the channel, providing additional context and details of the message.
  • servers: An array of $ref pointers to the definition of the servers in which this channel is available. If servers are absent or empty, this channel must be available on all the servers defined in the servers field.
  • parameters: A map of the parameters included in the channel address.
  • tags: A list of tags for logical grouping of channels.
  • externalDocs: Additional external documentation for this channel.
  • bindings: A map where the keys describe the name of the protocol and the values describe protocol-specific definitions for the channel.

Here's a visual representation of the channels field and its properties:

Below is an example of of the channels field with one channel:

2  user:
3    address: 'users.{userId}'
4    title: Users channel
5    description: This channel is used to exchange messages about user events.
6    messages:
7      userSignedUp:
8        $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'
9      userCompletedOrder:
10        $ref: '#/components/messages/userCompletedOrder'
11    parameters:
12      userId:
13        $ref: '#/components/parameters/userId'
14    servers:
15      - $ref: '#/servers/production'
16    bindings:
17      amqp:
18        is: queue
19        queue:
20          exclusive: true
21    tags:
22      - name: user
23        description: User-related messages
24    externalDocs:
25      description: 'Find more info here'
26      url: ''

operations field

The operations field is used to comprehensively outline the various operations performed by the application. It offers a clear, structured description, detailing whether the application sends or receives messages and the specific purpose of each operation.

Key components within the operations field include:

  • action: Use send type when it's expected that the application will send a message to the given channel, and receive type when the application should expect to receive messages from the given channel.
  • channel: A $ref pointer to the definition of the channel in which this operation is performed.
  • title: A human-friendly title for the operation.
  • summary: A short summary of what the operation is about.
  • description: A verbose explanation of the operation.
  • security: A declaration of which security schemes are associated with this operation.
  • tags: A list of tags for logical grouping and categorization of operations.
  • externalDocs: Additional external documentation for this operation.
  • bindings A map where the keys describe the name of the protocol and the values describe protocol-specific definitions for the operation.
  • traits: A list of traits to apply to the operation object.
  • messages: A list of $ref pointers pointing to the supported Message Objects that can be processed by this operation.
  • reply: The definition of the reply in a reply/request operation.

Here's a visual representation of the operations field and its properties:

Below is an example of of the operations field with one operation:

2  sendUserSignUp:
3    action: send
4    title: User sign up
5    summary: Action to sign a user up.
6    description: A longer description
7    channel:
8      $ref: '#/channels/user'
9    security:
10      - type: oauth2
11        description: The oauth security descriptions
12        flows:
13          clientCredentials:
14            tokenUrl: ''
15            availableScopes:
16              'subscribe:auth_revocations': Scope required for authorization revocation topic
17        scopes:
18          - 'subscribe:auth_revocations'
19    tags:
20      - name: user
21      - name: signup
22      - name: register
23    bindings:
24      amqp:
25        ack: false
26    traits:
27      - $ref: "#/components/operationTraits/kafka"
28    messages:
29      - $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignedUp'
30    reply:
31      address:
32        location: '$message.header#/replyTo'
33      channel:
34        $ref: '#/channels/userSignupReply'
35      messages:
36        - $ref: '#/channels/userSignupReply/messages/userSignedUpReply'

components field

The components field allows for the definition of reusable structures or definitions applicable across various sections of your document. Items detailed within components only become part of the API when explicitly referenced by properties external to this field. Utilize it to avoid repetition and enhance the document's maintainability.

Key components of the components field include:

Here's a visual representation of the components field and its properties:

Here's a code example of the components object in an AsyncAPI document:

3  schemas:
4    Category:
5      type: object
6      properties:
7        id:
8          type: integer
9          format: int64
10    AvroExample:
11      schemaFormat: application/vnd.apache.avro+json;version=1.9.0
12      schema:
13        $ref: 'path/to/user-create.avsc/#UserCreate'
15  servers:
16    development:
17      host: '{stage}'
18      protocol: amqp
19      description: RabbitMQ broker
20      bindings:
21        $ref: '#/components/serverBindings/devAmqp'
22      variables:
23        stage:
24          $ref: '#/components/serverVariables/stage'
25      security:
26        - $ref: '#/components/securitySchemes/oauth'
28  serverVariables:
29    stage:
30      default: demo
31      description: This value is assigned by the service provider in this example of ``
33  channels:
34    user:
35      address: 'users.{userId}'
36      title: Users channel
37      description: This channel is used to exchange messages about user events.
38      messages:
39        userSignedUp:
40          $ref: '#/components/messages/userSignUp'
41      parameters:
42        userId:
43          $ref: '#/components/parameters/userId'
44      servers:
45        - $ref: '#/components/servers/development'
46      bindings:
47        $ref: '#/components/channelBindings/user'
48      tags:
49        - $ref: '#/components/tags/user'
50      externalDocs:
51        $ref: '#/components/externalDocs/infoDocs'
53  messages:
54    userSignUp:
55      summary: Action to sign a user up.
56      traits:
57        - $ref: '#/components/messageTraits/commonHeaders'
58      payload:
59        $ref: '#/components/schemas/Category'
60      correlationId:
61          $ref: '#/components/correlationIds/default'
62      bindings:
63        $ref: '#/components/messageBindings/user'
65  parameters:
66    userId:
67      description: Id of the user.
69  correlationIds:
70    default:
71      description: Default Correlation ID
72      location: $message.header#/correlationId
74  operations:
75    sendUserSignUp:
76      action: send
77      title: User sign up
78      bindings:
79        $ref: '#/components/operationBindings/sendUser'
80      traits:
81        - $ref: '#/components/operationTraits/binding'
82      reply:
83        $ref: '#/components/replies/signupReply'
85  replies:
86    signupReply:
87      address:
88        $ref: '#/components/replyAddresses/signupReply'
89      channel:
90        $ref: '#/channels/userSignupReply'
92  replyAddresses:
93    signupReply:
94      location: '$message.header#/replyTo'
97  securitySchemes:
98    oauth:
99      type: oauth2
100      description: The oauth security descriptions
101      flows:
102        clientCredentials:
103          tokenUrl: ''
104          availableScopes:
105            'subscribe:auth_revocations': Scope required for authorization revocation topic
106      scopes:
107        - 'subscribe:auth_revocations'
109  operationTraits:
110    binding:
111      bindings:
112        amqp:
113          ack: false
115  messageTraits:
116    commonHeaders:
117      headers:
118        type: object
119        properties:
120          my-app-header:
121            type: integer
122            minimum: 0
123            maximum: 100
125  tags:
126    user:
127      name: user
128      description: User-related messages
130  externalDocs:
131    infoDocs:
132      url:
133      description: 'Find more info here'
135  serverBindings:
136    devAmqp:
137      amqp:
138        exchange: my-exchange
139        queue: my-queue
141  channelBindings:
142    user:
143      amqp:
144        is: queue
145        queue:
146          exclusive: true
148  operationBindings:
149    sendUser:
150      amqp:
151        ack: false
153  messageBindings:
154    user:
155      amqp:
156        contentEncoding: gzip
157        messageType: 'user.signup'
158        bindingVersion: '0.2.0'
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